Chamber Forums

Chamber Forums

Explore the Chamber Forums: Your Gateway to Insightful Discussions!

Cultivate connections and knowledge at Chamber Forums: Your premier platform for insight and growth.

Our forums offer a dynamic space where members come together to explore cutting-edge topics, share expertise, and foster meaningful connections.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a budding entrepreneur, our forums provide unparalleled opportunities for learning and collaboration.

Upcoming Forum:

Join us for our upcoming forum on May 22nd featuring John Barlow, as we delve into the intersection of employment law and artificial intelligence.

Gain invaluable insights into what the latest advancements mean for your business and what the community needs to know to navigate this evolving landscape.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with industry experts, expand your knowledge, and stay informed on critical topics shaping the future of business.

Register now to secure your spot!

May 22, 2024

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Trysting Tree Golf Course

34028 NE Electric Rd Corvallis, OR 97333


Stay Tuned For Future Forums Coming Soon...

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